Queens Comic Party June Events

We’ve got two events coming up this month, here’s all the news that’s fit to print! First up, on 6/9, we’ll be set up at Woodside at the usual place from 1pm – 7pm at CWV St. Sebastian’s Post 870, located at 3946 61st Street in Woodside, Queens. You can take the the 7 train to 61st Street, the LIRR to Woodside 61st Street, or travel by bus by the Q18, Q32, Q47, Q53, Q60 or the Q70. After that, we’ll be back in Brooklyn at 148 Frost Street on June 29th from 10am to 5pm. Want to get there via MTA? Take the L train to the Graham Avenue stop and it’s just a few short blocks away. Both events are free to attend – so you don’t have any excuse not to check out one or both of these fine, fun and inclusive comic events if you’re in or around NYC this month!

Queens Comic Party In Woodside On 5/12!

Your read that right! The next Queens Comic Party will be happening on May 12th from 1pm until 7pm at the usual spot in Woodside – CWV St. Sebastians Post 870 at 3946 61st Street, Woodside NY 11377. DEALER TABLES ARE SOLD OUT, but if you want to vend get in touch and we can put you on the waiting list. It’s right across the street from the 61st Street stop on the 7 train or you can get there by bus on the Q18, Q32, Q47, Q53, Q60 or Q70 lines – so it’s easy to get to! As always with our Woodside shows, it’s free to get in and there’s a cash bar for those over 21. Bring your mom!