Now that summer vacations are over and things are kinda-sorta back on schedule, the latest episode of the Queens Comic Podcast is now live! This time around, Ian and Billy take a long overdue look at Matthew Allison’s excellent Cankor hardcover collection, talk about Ian’s equally long overdue trip to Desert Island Comics and hanging out in Williamsburg eating delicious BBQ, the new release of Devil’s Cut, Last Gasp’s Anarchy Comics #2, Billy’s recent acquisition of the Marvel Hip Hop Variants Collection Vol. 1 hardcover and, last but not least, the silliness that is DC’s new Gnort’s Illustrated Swimsuit Special! It’s just over a half hour of free comic banter made just for you, still featuring the best theme song ever. Check out Matthew Allison’s Cankor comic here: @queenscomicpodcast@queenscomicparty